Major Microsoft SPLA audit challenges and how to overcome them?
In recent years due to the increase in remote working, many organizations have seen rapid growth in the use of Microsoft usage. The numbers were not that surprising but given the fact that you need to make a detailed report of the Microsoft software audit all the more difficult.

To make the work easier you will need an SPLA manager by your side to help you with the hectic task. Here are some of the things that make audits difficult for many organizations:
Low visibility:
Not having a clear view of all the software that you are using can easily throw off the accuracy of the board. This leads to non-essential spending and can also result in a total security risk for your organization.
License management:
There are tons of Microsoft SPLA licensing questions that still need to be answered and the cause of all these doubts and questions is only a simple dysfunction. The mismanagement of licenses. The licenses go through a lot of changes throughout the year. You might need software now and then don’t need it for the rest of the year. The features, subscriptions, plans, and many other things change continuously. And hence you need an SPLA manager to manage those licenses.
Adoption and changes:
If your organization is lacking in the adoption and optimum change management then get ready to face some poor user experience. That’s why if you want to ensure your user experience you will need a Microsoft SPLA partner to guide you through the process.

Here at Octopus cloud, you can find a solution to all your SPLA license-related needs in one place. Contact us today to learn more about our services and innovations.